Swenson Shear All-In-One SnapTable Pro - $15,000 used
Swenson Shear All-In-One SnapTable Pro - $15,000 used
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Towable Metal Roofing Standing Seam Tool TrailerThe SnapTable Pro Hyper-lite is an all-in-one, panel preparation system that provides the highest quality notching, cutting, and hemming for any standing seam job. The SnapTable has been shown to cut down labor cost, improve installation times and the overall quality. It consists of 3 key components to increase production on panel installations. Standing Seam Notcher, Panel Cutter and Eave and Valley Hemmer. The new SnapTable PRO Hyper-lite adjusts to accommodate panels between 12” and 24” in width and is equipped to notch, cut, and hem up to 60” offsets for hip-valley roofing cuts.